Monday, December 6, 2010

Not Quite Homophones.

This past August, Isaac began kindergarten. As a result, his desire to write and try to read has exploded. His mother and I find this to be a great thing. Just a week ago, while out and about, Isaac asked if we could buy him a journal and some pencils so he could do his "homework." Of course, we obliged. i took him to the store and let him pick out his own journal and pencils. Since that night, we spend time nearly everyday sitting with Isaac as he sounds out words and writes them down. It's one of the greatest things! He tells us a word and then spells it. We typically coach him, but make him do the work himself. As parents, we are thrilled. The one result of school and his new journal is his expanded vocabulary. He's been using (and trying to use) all kinds of new words that he hears at home and from his teacher. Sometimes, however, he uses the wrong word.

Isaac: Dad...Rosie stinks. Will you light some insects?
Me: Some what?
Isaac: Some instincts?
Me: You mean "incense?"
Isaac: Yeah, she stinks.

Isaac (opening his mouth very wide): Dad, look.
Me: Yeah, I know.
Isaac: How did you know that I have a fossil?
Me: You mean an "ulcer?"
Isaac: Yeah, an ulcer.

God love him. He still speaks more cleverly and coherently than many adults I meet. As a side note, although his fossils are better, Rosie still stinks.

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Dad,husband,Moby Dick enthusiast, music nerd, Chelsea FC fan, reader, coffee-needer, etc...