As Isaac gets older, his imagination gets better. For quite a while now, he has become increasingly more and more interested in making up names for characters who don't really have names. For example, if I was to ask him for the names of the biker scouts in "Return of the Jedi," he would make something up. What's even better is that he ofter creates back-stories for the characters, as well. Today, he did both.
While playing his Star Wars Lego game for the Wii, Isaac called me into the living room to inform me of the following:
The tusken raiders (sand people) were, in fact, brothers who lived together in the desert. He rattled off 4 or 5 names, all ending with "-antro" before telling me that the last brother was named "Cilantro." I reasoned that "Cilantro" must be the chef of the group. Isaac did not correct me, so I trust that my assumption must have been correct.