While eating dinner a few nights ago, Isaac said:
"Dad, I wish I had a machine so if I said 'I want a potato,' it would make me one."
And I don't think he intended "make me one" to mean "bake it in the oven for 30 minutes before applying butter and presenting to me with a fork." But rather, "construct one on my behalf." Now, there's a kid whose not afraid to dream big.
For quite a while now, Isaac has been pestering me to let him take my Doyle action figure out of the box. For anyone who doesn't know who Doyle is, he was/is the guitar player for legendary horror-punk band, the Misfits. My reason for wanting Doyle to remain in his (coffin-shaped) box had nothing to do with maintaining its value. In fact, it's most likely still worth about $14.99 like it was 14 years ago. No, my goal in keeping his boxed had much more to do with not wanting his guitar, bicep bands or Frankenstein neck-bolts to find themselves in "missing" status. But, today, I broke down and let Isaac play with the 12" figure. So, since about 5:00 this is all Isaac has cared about. He made me tell him about the other members of the band, he listened to a bunch of songs and he has been carrying and talking to Doyle as if he was real. I'm thrilled! For me, a grand opportunity has presented itself to get my son familiar with something I still thoroughly enjoy.
Isaac has always had an interest in action figures of all kinds, Star Wars, He-Man, Transformers and G.I. Joes are all present and accounted for in this house. But tonight, he asked something that someone should have asked Kenner 30 years ago:
Isaac: Dad, who made the Star Wars theme song?
Me: John Williams.
Isaac: Do they make an action figure of him?
Me: They SHOULD.
What a great idea from such a little man! Why wouldn't someone create a figure to commemorate the man responsible for creating one of the greatest themes known to man? Perhaps he could have scored all the times my He-Man figures made out with my sister's Barbies.